Sunday, April 6, 2008

More Birthday Pictures!!!

Andrew ate his entire cake - and loved it!!! He was tired by the end and snuggled in with Daddy for a rest!

Love you, little man!


Kathryn said...

Hey Jill!

What a cute blog for Andrew. He is so sweet and he looks so grown up! I have no doubt he's very sharp. I remember when you told me you guys were ready for one, and now he's already a year old! Time flies when you're having fun.

Happy Birthday Andrew!


Amanda Bradley said...

Wow Jill- he totally has your eyes! I will take your advice- I've had a gift certificate for a prenatal massage that I am saving for when I am more miserably pregnant than I am now... same thing with another gift certificate for a mani/pedi... and I think the time is drawing near to use both of them!

Ashley Benz said...

I hope that I look that happy when I eat cake. haha. Happy Birthday, Andrew!